Sunday, June 30, 2013

The New Job

How's work? How is the new job? I've been happily inundated with those questions. I'll answer them now! 

I love my new job! I really do. I work at home and I manage their social media. I plan and update their social media accounts. It's really a wonderful job for me because my disability does not interfere with the tasks whatsoever. This is rare. Usually, I have to ask for accommodations or do things differently. With social media, you are not asked to write a significant amount but a frequent amount. I can easily think of hash tags for Twitter, easily think of smart Facebook statuses, this job was made for me!  I get to work at home which makes my life much easier. I was thinking about it and I probably would have spent the first week at River North installing my keyboard and word prediction software. Instead, I immediately started actually working. It should be that way.

My boss is named Sharon. She is the nicest woman and boss. Sharon has already let me write an article for our website. That article should be posted next week. We are experiencing some technical difficulties but those come with a new job. I do have my first meeting in the city two weeks from now. I am so excited to meet my coworkers and understand how we all fit in the organization.  

I did get my first paycheck which was awesome. I opened it during my birthday party. Julie was at my birthday party and helped me open it which was a great moment. It made the night! Speaking of my birthday, thank you for all the birthday wishes and love sent my way. I felt incredibly blessed. 

Julie? She is doing well. She was SCREAMING at the Blackhawks, it was hilarious! I'm thinking, "How can you only have one decent lung and scream THAT loud"? Julie can! I've seen her twice this week; once at her house, once at my apartment and she looks great! It probably was the best part of my birthday. 

I am over the moon about a trip I've been planning. I asked Tiffany whose one of my assistants, to take me to Minnesota to see friends from Camp. I've outgrown Camp Courage. Two reasons: 

1. The counselors manage the campers. I have been managing my help for five years, which did not sit well with Ms. Independent last year. I am fully capable of going to the pool and back to the cabin by myself, thank you. Your assistance was needed when I had to go to class in a rainstorm. 

2. I can't wear a bikini? Are you kidding me? This body needs a bikini!  I think after a pretty extensive conversation with the lifeguard, I knew I had outgrown Courage. 

Courage is an amazing place and I still hold it to the highest regard. I am older now and have to maintain relationships from Camp. I seriously smile every time I think of Tiffany and I going to Minnesota in 25 days and 7 hours (but whose counting)? I will see the current love of my life, my adorable godson, Will. He has gotten so big! I have plans with a lot of friends and I get giddy any time I think about it. 

Have a great 4th of July!!


Dad's 65th

Rolling onto the pickleball court, I saw everyone who meant something to my dad. It was his 65th birthday party. Everyone from his high sc...