Monday, December 28, 2015

A Simple Message

We've made Christmas such a big deal and in some ways, we're right on track. Our Savior came down and gave us hope. It's a huge thing that deserves a lot of attention. If you celebrate Hanukkah, it's about a miracle and that deserves attention also. 

These two miracles that we celebrate have turned into stress for so many. For example, I love sending Christmas cards! I love staying in touch and seeing your pictures. Honestly, it's become a staple for having my own apartment and being independent for another full year. However, I eventually get stressed because it becomes about how many can I get out this year? That is when I have to say to myself, 2,000 years ago a baby was born and they rejoiced over a little baby boy. They didn't go out and stress themselves out over gifts, decorations, and cards.  They just enjoyed the moment. 

Christmas day is over but I hope the peace and joy of that day stays with you. We are going to Mexico as a family and I am going to really try to be in the moment with my family. If I forget to check my phone, the world will go on. Granted, I just got a smart phone for the first time in August so it's still a new, shiny toy to me so forgive me if I am weak.

Well, the meeting with Congressman Dold went very well. He already was a fan of giving funds to Dystonia so meeting me was just another reason for him to support research. Most importantly (to me), he knows I can and will speak to any audience! If he asks me to speak, it'll be in this blog, I promise! Janet, a woman from Dystonia Medical Research Foundation was there to provide facts about Dystonia. She was amazing and we will definitely be partners for finding a cure! She invited me to the Awareness Days in Washington, D.C. in April and I can't wait to go!

2015 was the worst year of my life so far. Losing Julie and my job took a toll on me in countless ways. I feel like God is preparing me for something big in 2016 and I pray and hope that I am right! 

See you in 2016,

Dad's 65th

Rolling onto the pickleball court, I saw everyone who meant something to my dad. It was his 65th birthday party. Everyone from his high sc...