My friends who happened to be there helped me with drinking the wine. All I need is a bendy straw and a few extra seconds. This had not ever happened but my sneaker fell off. People who were sitting nearby took care of me. I'm always grateful for my church but this is my normal. Kindness is my normal.
On Monday morning, I woke up to the tragedies of Vegas. I will not recap, everyone knows what happened. I don't know how to respond in this blog. I don't know how to even begin expressing how awful I've felt all week. I knew it was time to write the blog and wanted to provide a respite from the news. I’m trying my best.
The most joyful event of my week was a friend’s wedding. Hannah is a sorority sister of mine and we get together once a month. She was a theater major in college and the groom plays guitar in church. The bride and groom both sang songs from musical theater productions and the groom serenaded his bride many times. It was like being in a bubble of joy and love.
I hope kindness is your normal. We can all brighten the world with kindness.
Peace and Love,