Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How Does Hannah Date?

This summer, I went on Catholic Match. I had been on dating sites before, but I did not like the quality of men on those sites. I will say I noticed a dramatic difference for the better. The men were much more intentional, and the language reflected inner beauty instead of outer beauty. The men called me "radiant" instead of "sexy". I liked that a lot. 

I did go on a date. We'll call him Mr. #1. Mr. #1 messaged me on Catholic Match. He was intriguing because he was a Catholic high school teacher and I thought teachers are good people. We waited until I was ready to text and disclose my number. Ladies, it should be that way! He was flirtatious over text. He was a man and said he would feed me. All was going really well. 

On the actual date, he lost the confidence he had over text. For example, he couldn't choose what he wanted to eat. I understand you're nervous and you have to feed me which is hard but choose your dinner. I decided we should split a pizza. The conversation dragged and I wanted dinner to end. He was a gentleman and extremely kind. We just did not have an ounce of chemistry. I consider it a success because I chose someone kind and who could adapt to my disability. 

Let's talk about my family's reaction. Overall, it was positive and encouraging. They were about 100 times more nervous that I was. I had been on dating sites over the course of a year so I had confidence in myself because I had experienced self-growth that my parents did not get to see. This caused frustration on my end however in retrospect, this was new to everyone. I could have been more empathetic to how they were feeling. To me, it felt like a milestone. I would imagine that to them it felt like a very strange, like a new door that they wanted to see me open but nonetheless terrifying. 

My experience since freshman student orientation has been men and women my age helping me eat, drink, etc. I’m purposely relaxed about asking for help. The men in my Bible study help me eat and it’s automatic now that I have been attending for a year. I have to remember my family unfortunately doesn’t see those moments. All my friends could care less that I need help. But maybe…you could all meet at my graduation party in May!

Other than dating, life is good. And if you know any great men, send them my way!

Sending Peace,

Dad's 65th

Rolling onto the pickleball court, I saw everyone who meant something to my dad. It was his 65th birthday party. Everyone from his high sc...