I started my morning with breakfast with my family. Katherine, my best friend joined us. I got time with my godson, Will. It was nice to catch up with everyone. The most interesting thing that we realized that morning was that my cousin who is a guy was never asked to feed me. That is something we have to acknowledge with my godson, Will and my nephew, Joseph. It's interesting how my cousin's gender effected our relationship. Joe, my cousin would carry me 100 miles if I needed him to and will help the little boys understand they need to feed me too.
I met up with my friends who just adopted a little boy. He is literally so beautiful. The dad was my camp counselor; I went to Brian and Natalie's wedding. Brian beat cancer and it's been great to witness not just how strong Brian is but him and Natalie overcoming obstacles together.
My Irish friend, Keith took me on roller coasters. I remember thinking, THIS IS INDEPENDENCE. My caregiver was doing her thing and I was with friends who would get me on and off roller coasters. It is not easy to do and it's so awkward in a physical sense because of my height. I love my friends for it. I love that they work around my disability as much as I do.
From there, I rolled around the Mall. It's so accessible and the stores keep all their doors open so I can zoom in and out.
I had dinner with a good friend from working at Pathways Pediatric Therapy center during college summers. She is a speech therapist and I would go in and motivate her clients to use their communication devices. We happened to keep in touch and Kelly appreciates leaving her four kids with dad to have a peaceful dinner with me
That was a jam packed and joyful Saturday! I would do it again anytime!
Enjoy the weather,