Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020: PIVOT

 If you have watched the show Friends, you know the iconic scene where they try to get a couch up the stairs. If you need a reminder of the scene, it's right here. Ross is yelling "pivot" throughout the scene.

Well, 2020 has been full of people needing to quickly pivot. Homes became offices, getting take out became an ethical thing to do, Netflix became an acceptable hobby, and you probably can list many examples of your own. Simultaneously, hospitals are currently war zones fighting Covid-19. Two very difficult realities blurring together on the nightly news. It has been horrifying however, it has taught me that humans are wired to have hope even in our darkest hours. So many people stepped up and helped their fellow neighbor. That is our nature-simply to be human.

I am very blessed to be able to share wonderful news. Through sending a Christmas card, I got a job! One of my professional acquaintances received my card, she congratulated me on receiving my master's degree and through emails, she discovered I was unemployed, and she was looking for someone she trusted to do social media for Anabaptist Disability Network. I will have other responsibilities as well especially when we can gather again. This is only 10 hours a week so keep your eyes and ears out for other opportunities for me because I want to help this world as much as I can. 

As we look forward into a year of healing and hope, I feel compelled to note that I personally miss two things the most. The first one is live audiences at speaking engagements. I miss interacting with kids and teaching them about disability. I miss the curious faces. What a blessing to look at a bunch of kids! The second thing I miss most is having adventures. I miss something going wrong in public and it ending up on here. That is what makes life beautiful: laughing with you or one of you catching an eye roll and knowing exactly what I'm thinking. I miss writing about crashing into glass doors, going on roller coasters, or simply getting coffee with one of you. Okay, I could go without crashing into glass doors. I genuinely miss the everyday going a little bit haywire and having the privilege of sharing the humor life has to offer. 

 Thank you for supporting me throughout the year. We will keep on pivoting until we do not have to any longer. I look forward to having adventures with you in 2021! 

 Love to All,


P.S. I’ll write more about my new job in January when I know what it is like.

Dad's 65th

Rolling onto the pickleball court, I saw everyone who meant something to my dad. It was his 65th birthday party. Everyone from his high sc...