Friday, December 23, 2022


On the fourth Sunday of Advent, I went to church. As they lit the candle on the Advent wreath, I took in the lights and decorations inside my church. My heart felt a bit warmer. I looked at all the lights knowing that I have to be a light in this dark world. My first reaction is to be overwhelmed. Climate crisis, pandemics, war, sitting there I felt my chest tighten from wanting to do it all. At that moment, Father Sonny's words interrupted my thoughts. 

"Jesus came and saved us. We simply need to try to be like Him. That's it. We don't have to save the world. We simply have to be the light.”

It was as if Someone read my mind. Christ came down in human form because He knew He needed to be one of us for us to understand God. I know my readers are from diverse backgrounds, faiths, and belief systems. Light is the one common thread throughout the holidays. For instance, if you do a quick Google search on winter solstice, the sun is closest to the Earth at this time of year. I believe it but if the temperatures were a little warmer, that would be great. In Illinois, it is in the single digits so the sun can warm us up at any time now! Kwanza, Christmas, and Hannukah all revolve around the theme of light. 

With God's message to me, I decided to make chocolate chip cookies for the local fire department. That's how I spread a little more light into the world this holiday season. I can't fix the climate, can't help every refugee, can't stop the war, but I can bake cookies for the local firefighters. So, I did! And I felt like the world was a tenth of a millimeter better because I showed appreciation.

For the record, I’m not an inspiration for baking Toll House cookies. Don’t go there.

Readers, I can't believe we are ending another year. I have the blessing of spending the entire weekend with my family and then spending New Year's at my cabin in Wisconsin with my extended family. I couldn't ask for more. 


May We All Be the Light, 



Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Let's Party!

My best friend, Julie passed away from Cystic Fibrosis in 2015. I have the privilege of keeping in touch with the family especially her twin, Natalie. I consider her one of my closest friends and I love her dearly.

In early November, her dad texted me and told me that we were throwing a surprise party for Natalie. No other woman in the world deserves a surprise party more than her. She’s been through so much that she deserves all the joy in the world.

I arrived at the party very early because I didn’t want to interfere with the surprise. Well, I got there way too early! The staff was still setting up 500+ balloons and the acrobat was getting her things out as

Why not have the birthday girl on my lap?

well. Her dad went all out. About an hour after I arrived (yeah, I was really early), the guests started to come into the rectangular room. It was at Stereo Club in downtown Chicago. They had a slideshow of pictures of Natalie and Julie because we know that Julie is with us in spirit.

When we knew Natalie was coming, everyone went quiet. I stood behind her family with her best friend from college. I was so excited to see her register that everyone from her life was there. That’s the magic of a surprise party. Everyone comes purely for you.

The look on her face was a combination of shock and utter disbelief.

“Hannah Thompson. Hi, you’re here!” Natalie said. 



She barely had time to process my presence when she saw that the whole club was full of people that loved her and her family. If you know that family, you’re blessed!

The whole night was crazy fun!

I’m glad I had that type of night because I tested positive for Covid five days later. I did not announce it on social media; I was busy sleeping and taking Dayquil. My disabilities DID NOT affect symptoms which I don’t take for granted. It has been 12 days after the first positive test; my symptoms are gone. I’m very safe to be around. I’m beyond sick of talking about Covid so please don’t e-mail me with concerns. I’m your happy, healthy Hannah and that is all that matters! I’ve been home for a long time…let’s party! Text me with an excuse to get out of the house!

Till Then,


Monday, October 31, 2022

Phi Mu at 32

During my college days, I joined a sorority. Phi Mu has served me in so many ways, but something came from it that I never imagined. 

We have a Facebook group that is private, and Robin Benoit posted that she published a book about sorority sisters in their eighties. I requested the book through Elmhurst Public Library (best way to get your hands on a book in my opinion especially since my bookshelves fill up quickly) and I loved it!

I highly recommend it. Anyway, I posted a picture in the Facebook group and Robin responded within minutes. She and I did not know each other whatsoever but the sisterly bond connected us. How amazing is that! 

We were on Zoom a week later. It was such a blessing to meet with not only a published author but a fellow sister with a similar passion. It has made my entire month! I look forward to getting to know Robin Benoit and seeing where our relationship takes us. Feel free to check out her website at:

I know this is a short update, but it has been a quiet few weeks. I'm not complaining and especially when the holidays around the corner, I know things will get busy in the best way possible. Have a fun, safe Halloween!

Happy Trick or Treating,



Dad's 65th

Rolling onto the pickleball court, I saw everyone who meant something to my dad. It was his 65th birthday party. Everyone from his high sc...