Saturday, April 30, 2022

A Tall Order

I had a unique order at my local Starbucks. I have a steel bar on my wheelchair that holds my communication device; it is called the mount. The mechanism that attaches the mount to my wheelchair is assembled with screws on the outside and inside. Tightening the screws on the outside is easy however, tightening the screws on the inside of the mechanism is very difficult. You have to take the whole thing a part.

My caregiver whose 5’2 tried tightening the screws and two days later, it was loose again. She has muscles but this is a really tough job. I had the idea of going to Starbucks and asking one of the baristas to help.

These two pieces have to screw together. Nothing easy about it!


This particular barista has some large biceps that I needed in order to achieve having a stable mount. The barista agreed to help. First, my caregiver showed him how to loosen the outside then I have to watch it slowly fall apart. You have to understand that I need the angle just right as well as how far away it is from my body. Once everything is totally in pieces, my caregiver shows him the two screws that need to be tightened. He is on the floor at Starbucks with my caregiver, we have wrenches, plyers, and a slew of mechanical objects on the ground. He tightened the inside screws. Success! Then, my caregiver and the helpful barista were extraordinarily patient with me as they make sure everything is right.

I insisted on at least treating him and my caregiver to a venti coffee. It’s the least I could do after a tall order.I hope you all have a community to count on; I don't know what I would do without my people!



P.S. A few weeks later, it was loose again. I went to my dad. It’s not moving anytime soon.

Dad's 65th

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