Sunday, April 30, 2023

Ready for May Flowers

Before I graduated college, I had the opportunity to speak to medical students at Northwestern University. That was really my first professional speech, and I loved every minute of it. Ever since then, they invited me back every year with the exception of Covid (it really did stop everything) so my relationship with them has grown and grown. I have the privilege of speaking to future doctors about patients with special needs. It’s always a sign of spring because it’s always in March or April.

Other than that, it’s been a stressful month. I have caregivers coming and going. Some caregivers are graduating and moving on and finding caregivers to fill their shifts is like a Rubik’s Cube but harder. It’s all consuming and I know their first few days are always rough. It doesn’t matter how good they are or how patient I am with them, it’s hard.

All around, I’m good. I don’t have any more speeches so please spread the word that I am available. I’m ready for a May flowers, how about you? 



Dad's 65th

Rolling onto the pickleball court, I saw everyone who meant something to my dad. It was his 65th birthday party. Everyone from his high sc...