Friday, June 30, 2023

The Main Caregiver

My life has been inundated with caregiver issues. Here's what happened just in the past three weeks:

- I hired someone for part time. She quit a week later. 

- I had to hire someone because of the person that quit. She sprained her ankle the day after her first day working with me. She'll be gone for 4-6 weeks. My mother and I are looking for someone in the meantime. 

And the big whopper was when my main caregiver who is literally responsible for my day-to-day life had trained someone to do her job. Literally, this caregiver is so important to my well-being. This caregiver is my teammate regarding my preferences, what makes life easier, and being just savvy enough to help out with any of my technology or jimmy rig my wheelchair. Part time caregivers are essential too, but my main caregiver provides consistency which is critical to my life.

I had interviewed for nine weeks and was beyond relieved to find someone that fit the bill. During training, the woman I hired to do this job QUIT. We were four days in, and I was furious. This will somehow make it in my memoir so I will write the scene here and now.

With a sheepish looking face, "Jill" said, "I know I'm not cut out for this."

You have to be joking. Autumn, my main caregiver, and I have literally thought about you nonstop. Not for us but for you. My life has revolved around you for a week, and this is how you repay me?

With a calm that I can only say came from the Holy Spirit, I said, "Jill, we are going to sit on the couch and call my mother."

She had to know. 

 "Autumn, Jill and I are here. Jill does not think she can continue," I said to Mom on speaker. 

“Jill, have you made up your mind because if you have, we should all move on," Mom said.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm not cut out for this."

 We ended the call. 

 I was walking her out when she said, "This sucks for me."

I looked back at her with venom in my eyes. That look summed up what I was feeling. 


Readers, I don't know how to feel. I understand that I dodged a bullet. She wants an easy job, and this is a job that is layered. On the one hand, we hang out. On the other hand, this person has a lot of responsibilities. This person is so critical to my life. I've noticed a difference regarding employees post Covid. There is a lot less effort put forth by people. It's scary. Obviously,  if you know someone, please let me know.

I'm thankful for all my caregivers right now. Thank you for working so hard! This gratitude extends to my mother in countless ways. To all who support me, I appreciate you!  

On a pink, positive note, thank you for all the birthday love! I got 30 cards and countless text messages. You're amazing! I am so grateful.

I'll keep you updated, 


Dad's 65th

Rolling onto the pickleball court, I saw everyone who meant something to my dad. It was his 65th birthday party. Everyone from his high sc...