Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Wonderful Birthday

 Hey Everyone! Thank you for a wonderful birthday. It was filled with love and joy which I am so thankful for. My mailbox was filled with cards from you all which is my favorite part. If you sent a card, thank you. My kitchen table is covered in cards which isn't something that I take for granted.

This year, I'll complete my manuscript. I can't believe that I can actually say that. It's a crazy thing! Also, I'm looking for the right physical therapy clinic for walking. Right now, I'm trying the Zero Gravity track at MarianJoy. It's a harness attached to the ceiling. I could not fall if I tried which is nice. I've done the treadmill with it once. It's frustrating because the technology does not understand my dystonia versus me falling. It stops on its own thinking I need help from a therapist when I am fine. I'm going to give it some time. I'll post a video soon. Speaking of that, thank you for supporting me on Instagram and YouTube. 

You all mean the world to me! 



Happy New Year!

Dear Readers,  Once again, thank you for reading my blog. I started this the summer before my first year of college and I'm always i...